5 Most Common Hot Tub Myths Debunked

Everybody wants a hot tub, but there’s a perception that the expense and the upkeep can be prohibitive. This isn’t accurate, as this video clearly explains, but there is a level of commitment that many people are unaware of.

Hot tubs and spas are the product of a large industry with strong regional characteristics.

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The combination of unique products placed in unique locations adds up to each one being truly unique. Many of them are very different, and even the same one wouldn’t work the same in two different locations.

Beware of hidden costs when purchasing and getting an installation. If an installer says that they’ll match any price, it’s a virtual certainty that they’re trying to cut corners somewhere else.

Remember that you’re entering into a years-long business relationship with the installer, with intermittent but critical maintenance required over the course of time, so don’t settle for somebody cheap or unethical.

A certain amount of cleaning solution and highly specialized anti-microbial intervention is necessary to stop a hot tub from getting infested with bacteria and other issues, and a responsible retailer will be able to help procure these as well.

Don’t go with flashy, cheap, or new when shopping around. Choose an established, experienced, proven retailer and installer. What you spend on the installation could save you a lot of money and trouble down the line.

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